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Bop Spotter

[Bop Spotter]

"I installed a box high up on a pole somewhere in the Mission of San Francisco. Inside is a crappy Android phone, set to Shazam constantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's solar powered, and the mic is pointed down at the street below."

As surveillance goes, I'm into it. I appreciate the commentary:

"Heard of Shot Spotter? Microphones are installed across cities across the United States by police to detect gunshots, purported to not be very accurate. This is that, but for music."

I don't give it much time before someone figures out where it is and tries to mess with it, though.


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How the UK became the first G7 country to phase out coal power

[Molly Lempriere and Simon Evans in CarbonBrief]

"Remarkably, the UK’s coal power phaseout – as well as the closure of some of the country’s few remaining blast furnaces at Port Talbot in Wales and Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire – will help push overall coal demand in 2024 to its lowest level since the 1600s."

The UK aims to fully decarbonize its power supplies by 2030. That involves phasing out gas power in under six years: a big milestone and an ambitious goal, and one it hopes will be a case study for other nations.

Meanwhile, the US continues to limp along, generating around 60% of its electricity from fossil fuels. In light of accelerating climate change, that's a figure we should be truly embarrassed about.


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Digital Divinity

[Rest of World]

"Technology has transformed how we spend, study, live, eat — even how we sleep. And for the 6.75 billion people around the world who consider themselves religious, technology is also changing their faith. How people worship, pray, and commune with the divine is transforming from Seoul to Lagos."

These are amazing stories that sometimes sound like provocative satire: PETA is building robot elephants for Hindu temples, for example. Or take this app, which will narrate the Bible in your own voice, perhaps so that you can make it more accessible for your children.

Many of the examples feel a lot like startups spotting new markets without consideration for whether they should. Some are more authentic. All are continuing examples of how the internet is changing religious life all over the world.


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The secret power of a blog

[Tracy Durnell]

"Blogs coax out deeper thinking in smaller blocks. A blog gives you the space to explore and nurture ideas over time, perhaps growing so slowly you hardly notice the extent of the evolution of your thoughts till you read something you wrote a few years ago."

Everyone should blog. It's been the single most transformative tool in my career - and a huge part of my life.

Given the latter part, I needed to hear this:

"We know, when we’re reading a blog, that we’re getting a glimpse into the writer’s active psyche, a tour of their studio as it were — not hearing their thesis presentation or reading their pre-print publication; hearing from other people being people is part of the appeal of blogs."

Over the last few years I've downgraded the amount of personal writing in this space in favor of more thoughts about technology. I never quite know where the balance is, but I think there's a lot to be said for turning the dial closer to the personal.

If you haven't started yet: try it and let me know about it. I'd love to read your thoughts.

And if you know you want to start but don't know where, Get Blogging! has your back.


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IRL taking priority

1 min read

We’ve been dealing with some intense family health events since Wednesday night, so I’m running on very little sleep and not updating much over here. I’ll be popping in from time to time, but probably not running on all cylinders for a little while.

There’s a lot to say — about WordPress, about the independent web, about media, about some of the conversations coming out of ONA — but they will need to wait. See you soon!

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Hire HTML and CSS people

[Robin Rendle]

"Every problem at every company I’ve ever worked at eventually boils down to “please dear god can we just hire people who know how to write HTML and CSS.”"

Yes. Co-signed.

Speaking of which ...

"ProPublica, the nation’s leading nonprofit investigative newsroom, is in search of a full-stack senior product engineer to lead work on our publishing systems and core website."

I'm looking for an exceptional engineer who cares about the open web to join my team. If that's you - or you know someone who fits this description - there are more details at this link. I'm here to answer any questions!


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Google Discover is sending U.S. news publishers much more traffic. (Social? Still falling.)

[Laura Hazard Owen at NiemanLab]

There are some interesting referral statistics embedded in this piece. Facebook referral traffic has fallen more than 40% over the last year; referrals from Reddit have increased by 88%.

But the focus is this:

"Search traffic, still dominated by Google search, has remained relatively steady during the period, Brad Streicher, sales director at Chartbeat, said in a panel at the Online News Association’s annual conference in Atlanta last week. Google Discover — the Google product offering personalized content recommendations via Google’s mobile apps — is increasingly becoming a top referrer, up 13% across Chartbeat clients since January 2023."

I think what's particularly notable here is the shift between kind of product. Google Search, despite the black box nature of its ever-changing algorithm, always felt like it was a part of the open web.

Discover, on the other hand, is an algorithmic recommendation product that tries to proactively give users more of what they want to read. It's much more akin to a Facebook newsfeed than it is a search index. There are likely editors behind the scenes, and a human touch to what gets surfaced. Publishers are even more in the dark about how to show up there than they were about how to rise through search engine rankings.

I'm curious about what this means for the web. Is this just an advertising / walled garden play from a company that wants to maximize advertising revenue and time on platform? Or is it a reflection of the web getting too big and too messy for many users, creating the need for a firmer hand to show them where the good content is? Is it a function of increased skittishness about an open web that might publish content and ideas that aren't brand safe? Or is it just changing user behavior in light of other apps?

Perhaps some elements of all of the above?


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Back to Basics

[Paul Bradley Carr]

"I’ve worked at (and founded!) my fair share of billionaire-funded publications and I’ve always had a firm rule: You have to be more critical of the people writing the checks (and their cronies) than you are of anyone else. It’s the only way to offset the inherent bias of taking their money."

Paul Carr discusses quitting his column at the SF Standard because of its newfound apparent shyness when it comes to criticizing tech moguls - which is a serious journalistic flaw when you consider how important said moguls are to the culture and politics of San Francisco.

This is in the wake of fallout from its coverage of Ben Horowitz's conversion to MAGA, to which the subjects publicly objected. The SF Standard's backer, Michael Moritz, is another wealthy tech backer, who has actually been collaborating with Horowitz's partner Marc Andreessen to build a sort of city of the future on repurposed agricultural land in the North Bay.

As Paul points out, there must be a separation of church and state between editorial and business operations in a newsroom in order to maintain journalistic integrity. That doesn't seem to be something every newcomer understands.


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Arc was supposed to be a key to The Washington Post’s future. It became a problem instead.

[Dan Kennedy at Media Nation]

Dan Kennedy picks up on a detail in Brian Stelter's Atlantic article about troubles at the Washington Post:

"The Post’s content-management system, Arc, which was supposed to be a money-maker, had instead turned out to be a drag on the bottom line."

He goes on to sing Arc's praises, but notes that 25% of its staff were just laid off, and wonders what went wrong there.

Here's what I think happened. There were two parallel forces at play:

  • Newsrooms are not natural software companies (except for their own ends).
  • Content management systems are a commodity technology.

It's notable that almost every newsroom that has built its own CMS has eventually left it in favor of a platform built by someone else - most commonly WordPress. Sinking resources into building your own means spending money to solve problems that someone else has already solved, and often solved well.

Particularly in tough times for the industry, newsrooms need to be spending money on the things that differentiate them, not by reinventing perfectly good wheels. WordPress isn't zero cost - most newsrooms partner with an agency and a managed hosting provider like WordPress VIP - but it's a lot cheaper than building all those features yourself would be. And the outcome by picking an open source platform is likely higher quality.

The exception is if the way you both think about and present content is radically different to anyone else. If you're truly a beautiful and unique snowflake, then, yes, building your own CMS is a good idea. But there isn't a single newsroom out there that is unique.

Likewise, if I'm a potential customer (and, as it turns out, I am!), I don't know why I'd pick a proprietary platform that's subject to the changing business strategies of its troubled owner over an open source platform which gives me direct ownership over the code and powers a significant percentage of the web. The upside would have to be stratospherically good. Based on sales emails I get that choose to focus on Arc's AI readiness, that case isn't being made.

The outcome is a bit sad. We need newsrooms; we need journalism; we need an informed voting population. Honestly, the Arc bet was worth trying: I can see how a platform play would have been a decent investment. But that doesn't seem to be how it's panned out, to the detriment of its parent.


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More coverage of the Social Web Foundation

The Social Web Foundation

More coverage of the Social Web Foundation has been rolling in today. (See my coverage of the announcement over here.)

The New Stack:

The fediverse has been a critical development in the open web over the past several years, since most of the social media landscape is dominated by centralized platforms — including Meta. If we want the open web to not just survive, but perhaps thrive again one day, we should all (hopefully including the father of the web) get behind the fediverse and support the Social Web Foundation.


“I wish I would’ve started it five years ago,” Evan explains in a call, “We’re seeing growth of ActivityPub in the commercial sector, we want to help guide that work, especially for devs that don’t know how to engage with the Fediverse, or the work that happens in private spaces. As we’re seeing a lot of growth, it’s important to help push that growth forward, we’re really filling in the crack no other organization is doing.”


Part of the group’s efforts will be focused on making the fediverse more user-friendly. Though Mastodon offers a service that functions much like Twitter/X, its decentralized nature — meaning there are multiple servers to choose from — makes getting started confusing and difficult for less technical users. Then, much like X, there’s the cold start problem of finding interesting people to follow.

The W3C:

We are happy to share that today the Social Web Foundation launched with a mission to help the fediverse to grow healthy, multi-polar, and financially viable. We are looking forward to continuing to support the work that [Evan Prodromou, Tom Coates, and Mallory Knodel] are planning in the new non-profit foundation for expanding and improving ActivityPub and the fediverse. We are delighted that to the Foundation will be becoming a W3C Member.


The Fediverse reminds us of the early days of the Web. We are competing against silos and corporate interests, using a W3C-based open standard and a distributed solution. It’s great that social networking companies are supporting the Fediverse, and Vivaldi is pleased to support Social Web Foundation so that we can once again have a town square free of algorithms and corporate control.

Independent Federated Trust & Safety:

ActivityPub has enabled thousands of platforms to communicate seamlessly across the Fediverse. This framework encourages a healthier online experience by supporting diversity of thought and content while redistributing governance back to the communities that can best serve their members. In an era where centralised networks dominate, the SWF’s commitment to open standards represents a renewed opportunity for a democratic and inclusive web.

And then Evan Prodromou wrote his own post on the launch:

Many people have ideas about what the Fediverse needs to be bigger, safer, and easier to use. But the solutions they propose fall between the cracks of any one implementer or service. We want the SWF to be the entity that takes on those jobs.

Not everyone agrees that the Fediverse needs to be available to more people. That’s OK. And not everyone is going to be comfortable with the mix of commercial and Open Source implementers plus civil society groups that form the support for the SWF. That’s OK too. Hopefully, our work will still benefit you.

Exciting times for the web.

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Unlocking the Fediverse: The Social Web Foundation is Shaping the Next Era of the Web

Mountains on the horizon, via Unsplash+

I’m extraordinarily excited about the launch of the Social Web Foundation, which has been created to promote and support the growth of the Fediverse: the interoperable social network powered by the ActivityPub protocol.

Users of services on the Fediverse can follow, share, and interact with each other, regardless of which service each one is using. The most famous Fediverse platform is Mastodon, but there are many more participants, including Threads, Flipboard, and Ghost.

From the announcement:

[…] Advocates of this increased platform choice say it will bring more individual control, more innovation, and a healthier social media experience. But there is work to do: journalism, activism, and the public square remain in a state of uncertain dissonance and privacy, safety and agency remain important concerns for anyone participating in a social network.

The Foundation’s founding members are Mallory Knodel, the former CTO of the Center for Democracy and Technology; Evan Prodromou, one of the creators of ActivityPub and its current editor (who just published the canonical book on the topic); and Tom Coates, a product designer and founder who was one of the earliest bloggers and has been involved in many things that have been good on the web. They become the Executive Director, Research Director, and Product Director respectively.

Excitingly, the Foundation’s partners are a who’s who of companies doing great work on the web today. Those include Automattic, Ghost, Flipboard, Fastly, Medium, and Mastodon itself. Meta is also a backer, in an indication of its continued investment in the Fediverse, moving away from the walled garden strategy that it used with Facebook and Instagram for decades.

In a conversation with Richard MacManus over on The New Stack, Evan explained the Foundation’s relationship with existing standards organizations like the W3C:

“W3C as a standards organization mostly does coordinating the work of a number of different groups to make protocols […] So we’ll still be participating in the W3C — we’re going to become a member organization of the W3C.”

Prodromou added that the SWF will take on the role of advocacy and user education, which is typically outside of the W3C’s purview for standards work.

My opinion: this is the future of the social web. Every new service and platform that contains social features — which is most of them — will support the ActivityPub protocol within the next few years. Service owners can use it to easily avoid the “cold start” problem when creating new networks, and to plug their existing platforms into a ready-made network of hundreds of millions of people. Publishers will use it to reach their audiences more easily. And it’s where the global conversation will be held.

When I was building social platforms in the 2000s, this is what we dreamed of. Elgg, the open source social networking platform which launched my career, was intended to be the center of a federated social web. Although we made some crucial steps towards open data protocols and embracing open standards, we didn’t get there. I’m beyond thrilled that the Fediverse and ActivityPub exist, and that there are so many robust platforms that support it. The Social Web Foundation is another great step towards building the social web that we all deserve.

As Casey Newton published just yesterday about the future of his publication, Platformer:

One way I hope it will evolve is to become part of the fediverse: the network of federated sites and apps that are built with interoperability in mind. The fediverse is built on top of protocols, not platforms, which offers us a chance to decentralize power on the internet and built a more stable foundation for media and social apps.

The Social Web Foundation’s existence as an advocacy, research, and development organization is another key step towards making that happen. But to be clear, its role is in support: each one of its partner organizations has already taken concrete steps towards supporting ActivityPub, and the movement is well underway.

Check out the Social Web Foundation and its projects at its website.

Updated: Read more coverage of the launch.

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What I learned in year four of Platformer

[Casey Newton at Platformer]

This fantastic round-up post focuses on Platformer's decision in January to leave Substack in protest of its content policies that permitted full-throated Nazis to earn money on the platform.

With a long-term view, it's been a good strategic move:

"We’re much less vulnerable to platform shifts than we were before. I had long worried that Substack’s unprofitable business would eventually lead it to make decisions that were not in the best interest of our readers or our business. (Besides not removing literal 1930s Nazi content, I mean.)"

This is the reason publishers should publish from a website they control. Sure, you can syndicate out to meet readers where they're at, but owning your own space makes you much less subject to the whims of someone else's platform.

And even that syndication to social platforms is becoming more controllable. One hope for the future that Casey notes:

"One way I hope [Platformer] will evolve is to become part of the fediverse: the network of federated sites and apps that are built with interoperability in mind. The fediverse is built on top of protocols, not platforms, which offers us a chance to decentralize power on the internet and built a more stable foundation for media and social apps."

Ghost, the open source platform that now powers Platformer, is building fediverse support directly into its platform at a rapid pace, so this almost feels like an inevitability. The benefit will be that Platformer can reach its readers on platforms like Threads, Flipboard, and Mastodon and maintain full control over its relationships with them. That's a game-changer for publishers.


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Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops

[Matthew Hutson at Nature]

"Beyond the ability to fine-tune open models for focused applications, Kal’tsit says, another advantage of local models is privacy. Sending personally identifiable data to a commercial service could run foul of data-protection regulations. “If an audit were to happen and you show them you’re using ChatGPT, the situation could become pretty nasty,” she says."

Many organizations have similar privacy needs to these researchers, who simply can't send confidential patient data to third party services run by vendors like OpenAI. Running models locally - either directly on researcher laptops, or on researcher-controlled infrastructure - is inevitably going to be a big part of how AI is used in any sensitive context.

We have the same needs at ProPublica - unless journalists are examining public data, they shouldn't use hosted services like ChatGPT that might leak identifying information about sources, for example. Local models are a huge part of the future for us, too.


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Re-opened Three Mile Island will power AI data centers under new deal

[Kyle Orland at ArsTechnica]

"Microsoft and Constellation Energy have announced a deal that would re-open Pennsylvania's shuttered Three Mile Island nuclear plant. The agreement would let Microsoft purchase the entirety of the plant's roughly 835 megawatts of energy generation—enough to power approximately 800,000 homes—for a span of 20 years starting in 2028, pending regulatory approval."

This seems to be the new front in datacenter technology: purchasing or building entire nuclear plants in order to cover the energy cost. It is significantly better than high-emissions power from sources like coal, but it also speaks to the increased demand that new technologies like AI represent.

As ArsTechnica points out:

"Industry-wide, data centers demanded upward of 350 TWh of power in 2024, according to a Bloomberg analysis, up substantially from about 100 TWh in 2012. An IEA report expects those data center power needs to continue to rise in the near future, hitting the 620 to 1,050 TWh range by 2026."

AI is a huge and growing part of that, although let's not pretend that the internet industry overall has low emissions. We often pretend we're greener than we are, simply because we can't directly see the output - but there's a lot of work to do, and a lot of carbon footprint to own up to.


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Long live hypertext!

[Tracy Durnell]

"Links — connections between ideas — are the magic system of the Internet. They power the open web, enriching online writing. Generative AI is the parasitic dark magic counterpart to the link."

I love Tracy's observation that "online, we think together", which also calls back to the original definition of the word blog ("weblog" = "we blog").

Links are context, further thought, community. Removing that context removes depth. They're inherent to the web: they're what the web is. When platforms want to strip-mine value from our work - our writing, our thinking - by lifting it away from its community and context, we need to fight back. And fight back we will.


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Venture Funding To Black-Founded Startups Remains Stagnant

[Chris Metinko at Crunchbase News]

"Last year, venture funding to Black-founded U.S. startups cratered — totaling only $699 million and marking the first time since 2016 that the figure failed to even reach $1 billion, Crunchbase data shows."


"While last year did not see Black founders raise $1 billion in total, this year such founders and startups are on pace to raise less than even half-a-billion dollars. In fact, the combined total of funding to Black founders in the second half of last year and the first half this year is only $351 million."

While some of this is a reflection of the ongoing tightening in VC overall, that certainly doesn't account for a pull-back of this magnitude.

VC is often a connections-based business: investors like to have warm introductions from people they trust. It helps to be part of the in-group, and given the demographics and backgrounds of most investors, Black founders may be excluded. Open calls for pitches help, but the single biggest thing venture teams could to do widen their net and make sure they don't miss out on talented Black founders is for their own teams to be more representative. This article doesn't directly mention whether there's been progress on that front - but the numbers suggest maybe not.


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gaining access to anyones browser without them even visiting a website

[Eva at]

PSA for anyone who switched to Arc as their main browser (hey, that's me!): it had a giant vulnerability that the team, at the time of writing, doesn't seem to have acknowledged publicly, although it has been patched.

Aside from the lack of disclosure, perhaps the biggest ongoing concern for me is in the last few paragraphs:

"while researching, i saw some data being sent over to the server [...] this is against arc's privacy policy which clearly states arc does not know which sites you visit."



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FTC Staff Report Finds Large Social Media and Video Streaming Companies Have Engaged in Vast Surveillance of Users with Lax Privacy Controls and Inadequate Safeguards for Kids and Teens

[Federal Trade Commission]

"A new Federal Trade Commission staff report that examines the data collection and use practices of major social media and video streaming services shows they engaged in vast surveillance of consumers in order to monetize their personal information while failing to adequately protect users online, especially children and teens."

None of this is particularly surprising, but it's frankly nice to see the FTC see it and recommend taking action. Lina Khan is doing great work actually holding software monopolies to task.

My favorite recommendation is the first one:

"Congress should pass comprehensive federal privacy legislation to limit surveillance, address baseline protections, and grant consumers data rights;"

This should have happened years ago, and even now, getting it done will be a struggle.

This one, on the other hand, falls into the "and pigs should fly" category:

"Companies should not collect sensitive information through privacy-invasive ad tracking technologies;"

Yes, companies should not, but they will until comprehensive privacy legislation is enacted with meaningful penalties. This report is a step in the right direction; that legislation must come next.


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Project Analyzing Human Language Usage Shuts Down Because ‘Generative AI Has Polluted the Data’

[Jason Koebler at 404 Media]

"The creator of an open source project that scraped the internet to determine the ever-changing popularity of different words in human language usage says that they are sunsetting the project because generative AI spam has poisoned the internet to a level where the project no longer has any utility."

Robyn Speer, who created the project, went so far as to say that she doesn't think "anyone has reliable information about post-2021 language used by humans." That's a big statement about the state of the web. While spam was always present, it was easier to identify and silo; AI has rendered spam unfilterable.

She no longer wants to be part of the industry at all:

"“I don't want to work on anything that could be confused with generative AI, or that could benefit generative AI,” she wrote. “OpenAI and Google can collect their own damn data. I hope they have to pay a very high price for it, and I hope they're constantly cursing the mess that they made themselves.”"

It's a relatable sentiment.


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Responding to work emails after hours contributes to burnout, hostility

[Myoung-Gi Chon in The Conversation]

"We found a disturbing link between work-related communication outside of regular hours and increased employee burnout. Answering emails after hours was linked to worse productivity, employees badmouthing their employers and other negative behaviors."

This is an important (if perhaps obvious) finding, but it's worth diving a little deeper and asking follow-on questions. Is it just the act of sending communications out of working hours? Or is it also an underlying organizational culture of disrespect for employees that allows such a thing to be normal?

The reason I ask is that one might be tempted to address the symptom - those out of hours emails - when there's likely something deeper to also take care of.

In the same vein, that's not to say that you shouldn't address the expectation of ubiquitous availability because the larger cultural work is still to be done. They clearly are bad in themselves, and do lead to exhaustion and burnout. But it seems to me that you have to do the bigger work, too.


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WordCamp US & Ecosystem Thinking

[Matt Mullenweg]

"Those of us who are makers, who create the source, need to be wary of those who would take our creations and squeeze out the juice. They’re grifters who will hop onto the next fad, but we’re trying to build something big here, something long term—something that lasts for generations."

Matt Mullenweg takes a strong stand for open source, and against companies that claim to be open but aren't quite.

Of course, not everything Automattic does is open source - its commercial operations were kicked off by the centralized Akismet anti-spam service, after all - but I agree that this clarity is useful.

It ends with a call to action: to support organizations that support ecosystems rather than abuse them. It's hard to disagree with that.


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Candi Miller Died Afraid to Seek Care Amid Georgia’s Abortion Ban

[Kavitha Surana at ProPublica]

"When the mother of three realized she had unintentionally gotten pregnant in the fall of 2022, Georgia’s new abortion ban gave her no choice. Although it made exceptions for acute, life-threatening emergencies, it didn’t account for chronic conditions, even those known to present lethal risks later in pregnancy."

This story - alongside Amber Nicole Thurman's - shows that the abortion bans really are leading to preventable deaths.

"Miller ordered abortion pills online, but she did not expel all the fetal tissue and would need a dilation and curettage procedure to clear it from her uterus and stave off sepsis, a grave and painful infection. In many states, this care, known as a D&C, is routine for both abortions and miscarriages. In Georgia, performing it had recently been made a felony, with few exceptions."

As Kavitha Surana points out, abortion bans haven't actually led to a decrease in abortions. Instead, they've made them harder and significantly riskier. It's a worse situation all round. Deaths like these are senseless: a tragedy at the hands of a fundamentalist ideology with no basis in science.


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Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December

[Sarah Perez at TechCrunch]

"Mozilla is exiting the fediverse. Though the concept of the open social web, also known as the fediverse, has been picking up momentum ever since Meta last year introduced its first-ever federated app, Instagram Threads, Firefox maker Mozilla on Tuesday announced it would be ending its experiment in running a server on the fediverse. The server,, today connects users with the Mastodon social network, an open source rival to Twitter/X. It will be shut down on December 17."

I wish Mozilla had taken a more ambitious approach to the fediverse, rather than running a Mastodon instance for a handful of people. An organization of its size could have prototyped different kinds of social media on the fediverse, or incubated disparate projects running on the protocol. It could even have experimented with adding social functionality directly to Firefox. Instead, precisely none of that happened, and its instance was apparently used by 270 people or so.

Sarah Perez points out that this isn't the only initiative that's been shuttered recently:

"Among those products affected by the pullback were its VPN, Relay, and Online Footprint Scrubber, in addition to its Mastodon instance, the company said at the time. Meanwhile, its virtual world Hubs was shut down."

Mozilla itself has a lot of potential but never seems to quite realize it: it doesn't seem to be very good at building a joined-up product strategy, which has led its existence to become increasingly at risk. The vast majority of its funding (nearly 90%) has come from Google's payments to the organization in exchange for being the default search engine pick - and now that's under threat.

There's a need for a mission-driven organization with Mozilla's values that executes more fearlessly, where product voices hold more weight vs open source engineering discussions. But, right now, I don't think it exists.


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[Simon Willison]

"Whether or not you enjoy MrBeast’s format of YouTube videos, this leaked onboarding document for new members of his production company is a compelling read."

It really is fascinating. It's also really badly written, which says a lot about the priorities MrBeast instills in his team. Simon points out that video is ingrained in the culture:

"Which is more important, that one person has a good mental grip of something or that their entire team of 10 people have a good mental grip on something? Obviously the team. And the easiest way to bring your team up to the same page is to freaken video everything and store it where they can constantly reference it. A lot of problems can be solved if we just video sets and ask for videos when ordering things. [...] Since we are on the topic of communication, written communication also does not constitute communication unless they confirm they read it."

MrBeast will be studied for decades to come: a piece of the culture that, like him or not, is genuinely new. This document is a key to understanding what he does.


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Open Call: Join the Open Social Incubator | Media Economies Design Lab

[Media Economies Design Lab at University of Colorado Boulder]

"The Media Economies Design Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder is launching a 5-month process of mentorship and peer-to-peer learning, empowering veteran community builders to adopt emerging open social networks."

This seems like a wonderful initiative for the right people, as well as for new social networks. The incubator covers a broad set of networks that include the fediverse, Matrix, Bluesky, and Nostr.

From the site:

"Participants will meet as a full group monthly and receive ongoing, 1:1 project-specific technical support as they seed and grow new communities using open social media tools of their choosing. Participation is fully remote and all sessions will be conducted in English. All participants should commit to making strides toward community-building in open social media by the end of the program. Completion of the full program, from November 2024 to April 2025, will be compensated with a stipend of $3,500 USD."

No prior experience is needed.

I love that the Media Economies Design Lab is doing this. I'm very curious to see the cohort as it emerges!


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